



Internet und Politik in Lateinamerika, Vol. IV: Mexiko zwischen Liberalisierung und Demokratisierung. [Internet and Politics in Latin America: Mexico Between Liberalization and Democratization], written in German. Frankfurt/Main, Germany: Vervuert, 2003.



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(with Roman Herzog and Bert Hoffmann) Internet und Politik in Lateinamerika: Regulierung und Nutzung der neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im Kontext der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Transformationen [Internet and Politics in Latin America: The Regulation and Usage of the New Information and Communication Technologies in the Context of Political and Economic Transformations], six volumes in a slip-case and one CD-Rom. Frankfurt/Main, Germany: Vervuert, 2003.




(with Roman Herzog and Bert Hoffmann) Internet und Politik in Lateinamerika, Vol. I: Einleitung und vergleichende Betrachtung [Internet and Politics in Latin America: Introduction and Comparative Analysis]. Frankfurt/Main, Germany: Vervuert, 2003.






Future Moves in Culture, Society, and Technology, Special Monograph Issue of Current Sociology, Vol. 63, no. 2, forthcoming March 2015.
– This edited volume presents a selection of revised and peer-reviewed papers by authors from eleven countries. It is based on future-oriented sessions at the XVII World Congress of Sociology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Read more …




(with Reimon Bachika) Values and Culture: The Social Shaping of the Future, Special Monograph Issue of Current Sociology, 2011, Vol. 59, no. 2 (March).
– This volume presents a selection of revised and peer-reviewed papers presented at an international conference on the same theme in Kyoto, Japan. Read more …